Friday, May 7, 2010

New Directions

Now that the shop that showed my work has closed I am looking for new directions to explore. Sometimes I think about just not continuing. But I spend a lot of time journaling and sketching, and I think, wouldn't it be nice to teach others? I have kept a journal for the last eleven or twelve years, I use the method Julia Cameron taught in "The Artist's Way." I write three pages a day. I rarely miss a day. Writing centers me. Writing helps me to put my feelings in some sort of order. Sometimes I think wouldn't be nice to do art for fun again. Honestly, it would be nice to do fine art rather than silly little drawings. Drawings that I am really not excited about anymore. I picked up a book by Nita Leland yesterday. There are assignments to get the creative juices flowing again. Sometimes I think that I need to join a support group for artists, but I am not sure where to find one. I am in such a rut. When I look at the incredible work that is being created I wonder why I even bother. I think it is obvious that I suffer from some low moods. Listening to Tom Waits isn't helping. Oh well, I have a project to work on and that will probably snap me out of this crummy mood.