Saturday, September 11, 2010

Defining and Accepting Limits

As someone who struggles with disability there is always the question as to how much I can accomplish, and to be honest about it. It is easy to say I can't do that. How much can I do is always on my mind. I have diabetes, asthma, depression and heart disease. I have begun to hear myself more and more often say this litany of everything that's wrong with me. But is that all I am? What aggravates me is the idea that the disabled are sometimes seen as dysfunctional and are not as talented as others. Sometimes not being talented is a matter of aptitude rather than disability. What is talent and what is disability? My disability started as a result of a head injury. Was I more talented before the injury? I wonder about this. Friends who knew me before the event said that I did change. But did my capacity for art change? I went to art school for a little while before the injury and my confidence was at its peak. I had the ability to do imitations of other's work , but I lacked the ability to do my own work. Today I create original art. So, even in the midst of illness, progress has been made.