Friday, April 29, 2011


I have noticed that the things that used to be important are not nearly as important as they once were. For some strange reason I find myself getting lots of charity requests. Once I would have discarded all of them. Now I try to help when I can. One of my favorite things are books. I love books, art books in particular. I like to read about illustration and fine art. I probably spend too much on books. More money could go to charities if I gave up a few books. How does one give up that publication and instead give the money to charity? How does one change their priorities when it is clear that a change needs to be made? Time will tell. I am not sure that it will be an easy issue to address. I just bought a book about R.O.Blechman's graphic novels. The book is called "Talking Lines." I tried to find the book at my library but was unsuccessful. So I bought it. I felt a little guilty about my purchase because I also purchased some new music. Two of my favorite things, books and music. It seems to me that we all struggle to make the right choices at times. There have been times in my life when I have needed help. Now there are lots of people in need of help. It is my turn to help. But I still struggle with doing the right thing. I think giving a little bit here and there is nice, but it does not make much difference. Does it?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just a Note

I haven't written anything in a while. Perhaps not that much to say. Spending a lot of time alone will do that. I have not been creating much, that is unusual, though not totally out of character. Spending too much time alone robs one of ideas. At least it works that way for me. Many of my ideas come from my spiritual roots. And spirituality works best for me in fellowship with others. I have decided that I need to make some changes, my creativity is suffering. I will add more as I decide if I can make the necessary changes.