Thursday, November 29, 2012

Trust the Lord With All Your Heart

A good friend told me how they used to decorate their dorm room with rainbows as a way to introduce some positive energy into the space. I thought about how much the spectrum of colors affected my mood in a positive way and decided to do an experiment. I just wanted to use rainbow colors and see if it made a difference in my well-being. Honestly, I am not sure that I am satisfied with the result although mostly it is because it is so different from what I am used to. The colors strike me as being too bright. So from my point of view the experiment was a failure. It is fun to play around with color but it can also be frustrating if things go awry. It seems that I have had success with the colors of the light spectrum in the past, but their intensity was more subdued. Sometimes it seems to me that a gradual increase in intensity is the answer rather than going right to maximum strength.
     I have not been posting as much because the rainbow project has been my principle direction and I am really not too happy with it. Right now there has been more time expended on my experiments. Nothing  new, although I think that I am going to try doing a  few shell watercolors. But I have plenty of shells but nothing that is just downright exciting. Living in a landlocked area makes shell-hunting impossible. A trip to the shore is in order but it is a long journey and an overnight stay is required. Photos don't work for me. And it is really the idea that it is so exciting to go to the beach for inspiration. There is nothing like it. Even late Fall is a great time to walk the beach if you love it the way I do. Trusting God to provide the means to make an escape to more inspirational  surroundings is absolutely  necessary.
 Well, gotta go. Hope that the holidays are starting to provide a little excitement. I am looking forward to them.
God bless you. Dale

Thursday, November 15, 2012

All Art Requires Courage

A new watercolor influenced by a website that posts a lot of quotes. I spend a lot of time reading quotes, this one I think is by Matisse. It is my interpretation of what Matisse meant. Matisse had a lot of rejection in his life, he was not considered a good draftsman.Matisse was famous for his linework, so many of creations were stylized images, but for many years he was not recognized. . His type of work has always excited me. Matisse was also famous for his use of color. One of the paintings of his wife was done with half her face green, the other half red.
 My response to Matisse's work is not especially good, the real essence of the drawing was its ability to move me to respond to the many quote sites that have sprung up.
     So lately I  have stopped painting realistically. Not totally, my recent shell watercolors attest to that. A trip to the seashore is one of  the things I enjoy most in my life. I just can't afford the expense anymore. So I paint shells and remember. The Bible says that: "For with God nothing will be impossible." Luke 1:27. Perhaps I will figure out some way to get to the ocean and fill that terrible longing in me to smell the sea air and see the gulls flying over the water. To take photos of the sunset. And to walk with my wife on the beach. Perhaps.
     Sometimes when one has a God-given gift there is a lot of guilt associated with asking for recognition for something that has been with me since the day I was born. Somehow it seems presumptious, especially in light of the scripture that says: Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink,nor yet for your body, what shall ye put on. Is not life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Matthew 6:25-28. What I mean is that when I think of trips to the ocean I often think about the cost involved, but God has always provided for my needs. And it is my belief that He cares enough to make sure everything necessary will be provided for. It is a promise. I am learning the Bible. I hope that I am credible and that God guides me. I was reading Romans a day or so and the message was: Do not be wise in your conceits. Do not assume that you have all the answers. Keep your opinion to yourself. I am still learning that particular warning it seems. I hope that you have a wonderful week. God Bless. Dale

(In order to see the image clearly, click on it. This is also approximately the same size as the painting. )

Monday, November 12, 2012


Hi. I did this on Saturday just for fun. Leonardo Da Vinci said always carry your little pad, so when I walk I am always thinking of quotes. This one seems appropriate. There is something about doing my own ideas that gives me so much pleasure. God gave me life. God woke me up this morning. Nothing I have done since the day I was born was enough to get this new day. It is a gift. A free gift.
     Somedays I get cranky and I forget that I am in the middle of a miracle. Picasso said that everything is a miracle, it is a wonder that we don't melt when we are in the middle  of a bath. Einstein said that there are two ways to look at life: we can either look at it as if nothing is a miracle, or that everything is. It is a wonder that with everything going on that there are not more miracles. Yet the thing that really makes me think is the idea that I am here. How can that be? I don't have to look at the night sky or at a bug, all that I have to do is consider that I, me, am here. And honestly, it scares me. What was enough to deserve this magnificent gift? How did I get so lucky? I asked someone this question when I realized that I had been given salvation and the only thing he said was : "Why not?" And for over twenty five years this answer has been enough for me.  I think, therefore I am. God gave me life because of His awesome power. Because He could. I know that means that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My Creator is an Artist who creates universes. A very dear friend told me one time that God gave me the gift of art so that I could tell people about Him. He gave me pencils, and brushes, and paint so that I could tell the world about the Glory of God. Today, I know what she meant. Thank you Joan, thank you Mom. God Bless You... Dale

If you click on the image it will appear clearer.