Friday, July 26, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Easing the Load

This is Little Bit, our twelve year old cat. I haven't posted in a while because of being busy pinning on Pinterest. I have started selling my artwork and this requires more time as well. I was involved in a group for a little while but this didn't take. It seems that I am just not cut out to do a lot of soul-searching on certain issues and I found myself resenting the viewpoints of the people that were trying to convince me they were trustworthy.   I have an open mind to a limited degree but I have to believe that people have my best interests at heart. It all sounds kind of kind of cryptic I guess, suffice it to say that I am not ready to accept new information into my life when I am not sure of the individuals carrying the message. Call me cynical.
     I am a frustrated writer and I write-a lot. I found a book today," Inspiration for Writers." It is a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book. I love to write, as I said,  and I thought I'd give the book  a try. It is  wonderful. . I made it through high school and two years of college without learning much about writing. Yet my idea of heaven is being able to do something with my writing bug. I have a friend who has been pushing me to publish my greeting cards but there is just no motivation on my part. The book, 'Inspiration for Writer's is perfect if you have ever had the desire to see your work published. I must admit I am chicken. But I like to dream that someday I will find the courage. If you get the chance, check it out. I found it at my local library. 
     I just sat down and wrote tonight because I felt the urge to say that hard work pays off. My art has never been very good in my estimation but there are people in my life that truly believe in my ability. And it was a gift handed down to me from someone who was very special. That makes it important. If someone took the time to give us a special gift, at least we can do is use it. In other words, utilize the gifts God gave you. Even if you don't think much of them. Mary Engelbreit is a wonderful illustrator. Her parent's cleaned out a closet for her to use as a studio when she was a child. . She became a great artist in my estimation because someone close to her believed in her. Too many times in my life I stopped trying because I had no one to believe in me. But eventually someone came along and reignited the spark.  Today, many years later, I still paint. Many, many, years later. And I see the rewards. When I was very young someone showed me something that made me very happy. Art.  Somewhere out there is someone who needs to dream. And you could be the one who gives it to them. Never underestimate your ability to pass on your gifts to those who just might be ready to claim a lifetime of pleasure. We all want to leave a legacy and we all have gifts, even if we don't think they amount to much. A child sees a line and to him or her it is magical. The individual who taught me to paint was just doing something to distract me from a painful period of my life. And that gift is now almost 60 years old. And I still remember the magic. As I recall, the drawings were nothing special. But they were alive with meaning. Don't ever underestimate your ability to change a life. My aunt is gone many years but she will never die. My daughter is an artist and my grandson gets special paintings that "grandpa" did.  Claim your gifts. They may change a life sixty years later. 
     It occurred to me as I read over this that I mentioned being cynical in the beginning. We all are. Especially if we have been around a little while. Right now I am very disappointed that I did not "get" the viewpoint of the individuals trying to change my old ideas about certain things. So perhaps I am wrong trying to convince others to change a child's life for the better. But what is there to lose?  I am an artist and occasionally frustrated writer today because someone took the time with me. And I have the courage to walk away from things that could potentially harm me, (questionable people's viewpoints) because someone once told me, I trust you and I respect your judgement. Use your gifts. Please. Dale