This is a drawing I did this morning to just play around. I have a Badger airbrush and small compressor so I decided that it was time to bring it out. I just wanted to see if I could get a line that I could be happy with. I used watercolor because I don't like inks and watercolor was very easy to use. I have gouche (opaque watercolor) but it dried out long ago and I did not want to mix it with water. I used a Rapidograph pen to draw with. Airbrush can be very time consuming and laborious, but it is a great tool if you just want to use it for another effect in your artist techniques list. I know how to use stencils for the airbrush, a more traditional technique, but I find that I don't want to breathe in a lot of paint while spraying. Dust masks are necessary.. Another reason to use watercolor: less toxic. Stay away from cadmiums, these are toxic. I recommend that you read about safety when using an airbrush, they are more complicated than a traditional brush. I have found I can duplicate airbrush using a stump (a curled up piece of paper that sort of looks like a pencil). Also known as a tortillon. And pastels. My preference is Rembrandt pastels.This is time-consuming, but very simple. I use a pen and draw an image and then color it in with the stump. I use a circular motion and the nice thing about pastels is you can get exquisite color. At some point I may show how this is done.
I'm not sure that if I will use a lot of airbrush, it can be tedious. But as I said, it is great fun. I bought my airbrush for thirty dollars at a pawn shop and a small compressor was 100.00. It is noisy but I don't use it often so I can put up with it.You can spend lots of money if you are a serious airbrush artist, so make sure that you enjoy it because it is definitely not for everyone.
Michelangelo said, "draw, draw, draw". You can buy a sketch pad for a few dollars and a pencil you can probably find around the house. That is basically all you need to do something that has provided inspiration for me all my life. The great thing about drawing is that one can use it in all sorts of ways. My aunt provided amusement for me for many hours. She was not a great artist but she taught me to learn how to distract myself from uncomfortable feelings when I needed to. She taught me that art and drawing can get you through some of the most difficult periods in your life. It is just not about fun. It can also be one of the simplest meditation techniques you'll ever need. It is no coincidence that many of our greatest artists were also exceptional human beings. God bless you on your journey. Wherever it leads you. Dale