I have been running a lot this week, I haven't had the energy to do much inside. I did set down and drew a little, but there was nothing that I felt good about. I just don't feel as if I am making any headway. I was at the library this morning and one of the librarians who is familiar with my work asked where I get my inspiration from. I told her that it is mostly books. After I left I had some time to reflect on this. I think that almost all my work comes from books in the form of quotes. Sometimes I go to the local Target and look at greeting cards. The different things I see sometimes inspire me to try different things. I have been trying to get my work into various card companies for the last couple years. So far, no luck. But I have not given up. I wonder if I did this as a job what would happen. Would I starve to death?
I have been disabled for eleven years now. I was the victim of a random act of violence that landed me in intensive care and put me in the hospital for a month or so. Art has kept me from going off the deep end at times. Sometimes I think what a waste my life is when I am down on myself. I can get really depressed. Sometimes I need to remind myself that it is a one day at a time thing. I had an appointment with my eye doctor today and he asked me why I was on disability. I just said it was my health and let it go at that. I felt like I was being judged. One might wonder what this has to do with anything. And I am not sure. Perhaps the thing that put me in the hospital keeps me from really trying anything new. Keeps me from taking risks. And I think there is some truth to this.