Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Atomic Warehouse

I went to the Art of the State on the 19th. My daughter and grandson went with me. We had a good time, though when my grandson was asked what work he enjoyed the best, he replied "None." It seems the things I enjoy are not necessarily the things he enjoys. My daughter took me to a store after the show called the Atomic Warehouse. It was full of things from the fifties, sixties and seventies. All sorts of neat things like fashion from the seventies, old records, and old furniture. I found a sterling silver pen nib holder which I thought was so neat. I do a lot of pen and ink work so I decided it would help me creatively-a nice rationalization. Still, it was a neat thing that was inexpensive and it was very well balanced. The other holders I have are made of plastic and wood. I have this idea that if I have good equipment I will do good work. When I was younger I read an article that said if you are going to be a professional that you should buy professional products. This made sense to me and I have always followed this advice. I know that it doesn't follow that if you use professional materials that you will do professional work, but it doesn't hurt to use the best materials that are available. Colors are brighter, paper will hold up to erasing, pens will last for years and years. I replace parts on my Rapidograph pen regularly, but the pen itself has been with me for years. I hate to think of replacing it. I use Winsor & Newton watercolors almost exclusively. The paper that I enjoy using the most is handmade in France.

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