Monday, June 18, 2012

Leaving Our Footprint

Sometime ago I had the opportunity to see a photoessay published in "Spirituality & Health" magazine. The article was about  seabird chicks that had been thousands of miles from civilization, yet were the victims of pollution. The story detailed the damage that was occurring when the chick's parents did not recognize plastics as being inedible. The chick's parents saw the plastic floating on the water and picked it up to feed to their young. Photos detailed the decomposed birds insides littered with plastic. I don't live near the ocean but the story really affected me. I could not believe how heartbreaking it must have been for the parents of those birds, and the pain the chicks must have went through. I am not pollution-conscious yet it did something to me. I immediately started recycling, something I had done sporadically, but with little motivation. Recently, there is more of a response on my part when I see sealife being threatened. That one article affected me more than anything that I'd experienced before. When I was younger I spent a few vacations at the Shore and it was always a pleasant experience. I'd been to Mexico several times to vacation near the ocean and these were  life-changing events... For many years aquariums were a source of great pleasure in my home. The life in the water has always influenced me. I'm not sure why. Lately I have been paying more attention to events and legislation that affect wildlife. Right now there is some legislation in the U.S House of Representatives that will affect endangered species. It is HR 2578. Take the time to learn about it and make your voice heard. We have only one world and even if you can't make it to the seashore like me, there are many ways to be involved. Even if it is only something as simple as recycling. Thanks. Dale

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