Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays

Christmas is over already, I had a laugh with someone a few days ago when we expressed our viewpoints regarding the holiday. We both said "I'm glad it is almost over." Apparently no matter how old you get if early Christmas' were bad, that feeling hangs around as you age. Maybe not for everyone, but for me, it is a time of stress and turmoil. Not always, but often enough to wish for a quick holiday season. Maybe everyone feels this way to a degree.
I quit drinking almost twenty-five years ago. New years eve will be my anniversary. Something about this period makes me a little jittery every year. I grew up in a home where alcohol was a frightening thing. It meant that there was trouble ahead. My Dad was an alcoholic.
And so was I . I started drinking as a teenager. Today I had a memory of getting drunk and being hungover and my Dad giving me a raw egg with milk. I was in my early teens at the time. I am not sure why I remember this. I know that I remember the memory as being a good one. Why, I really can't say. Why would someone remember being hungover as a positive event? Alcohol is funny like that. A hangover can be completely forgotten as one goes back to have another drink.
I'm not sure what I was thinking about as I was remembering Christmas and my alcohol experiences. Once I was given a toy gun for Christmas that shot little projectiles. It was called a " monkey gun" and I was really happy that I got it. My Dad and a friend of his took the gun and started shooting all the ornaments off the Christmas tree. My Mom started crying. That is all I remember about that Christmas. Flash-forward a few years to my first Christmas with my family visiting for the holidays. My sister's boyfriend got drunk and fell over and knocked the Christmas tree over. I never had my family over for another holiday get-together. Anyway, what is my point? There must be one. I heard another person say that they were going to enjoy the holiday spirits. And it made me cringe. I know that this is all pretty disjointed. I am sitting here wondering about where this is going. Maybe just being grateful for an alcohol-free Christmas. I hope that someone will not have to live through holidays that make them cry because someone is drinking too much. That would be my Christmas wish for everyone. Happy Holidays. Have a safe, joyful holiday season.

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