Thursday, December 12, 2013

Art as a Gift.

Christmas is almost here and my creativity has been low. I have a work to do for someone and family concerns have made it a problem. Sometimes in our dreams of achieving success with our work we can forget the bigger picture. Family comes first and work takes a back seat. This can be frustrating because creating a work of art is not like producing widgets. This art thing is part of us and it reflects who we are. At least it does me. When I paint well and I send it out to someone it always reflects my feelings about the person. Each artist does the best they know how and they have a goal of making the world a better place. It may not be high art, but it is unique and one of a kind. Once I was sketching at a local lake and someone walked up to me and excitedly said, are you an artist? I was tired and overworked and said, no. Many years later and I still think about this event. Some people look at art as a gift, it is special. I know it is, but sometimes I can forget what a spiritual blessing it is for me. And for others. If you believe in God, there is a tendency to see, as I do, that you have been created to make the world a better place. This is a philosophy that has come from many years of sacrifice. At one point I gave up a long term relationship because I realized that the other person's values had diverged from mine. If you are an artist, think long and hard about the kind of people that you invest your life with. Art for me is not a hobby or even a calling. It is an integral part of who I am. I put my partner ahead of my art, but it is a choice I make because I am able to make that commitment. Some can't. I can give myself to another person, but this came when I realized that this person appreciated my gift and knew how I could not easily separate from it. I wasn't forced to make a choice. Stay well and have a safe holiday season. God bless. Dale


  1. Years later I am okay. The pain has gone.

  2. At times nature is the outlet for great disappoi ntment. Grabbing just a pen, or some simple tool.Sitting and observing the calm and serenity all about me.

  3. At times there is a tendency to forget that you are awesome. Not me. You. Created from things of beauty and complexity and a form of intelligence not easily understood. Accepting the idea that you are made of rainbows and snowstorms and butterfly wings will not always be easy. But there it is.
