Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cats and Roses

My blog goes forward... I have been enlisting the aid of friends to tell me what they like about this blog. It was meant to be just a place where I could share my thoughts on art and how it relates to my disability. I have been ill many years and it has been probably twenty-five years or so that I learned that art could inspire me to change. I have been ill all my life. Yet there have been few things that have kept me from at least trying to better my life...

Our cat, Little Bit...
She weighs next to nothing and is so graceful. She tends to be shy around me, she is definitely my wife's cat. I have a cat of my own. His name, appropriately enough, is Kat.

Heirloom roses. They are gone now, past their prime. My friend Elva and I came up with an  idea for a quote and a picture of the dessicated roses. The quote is: They're just so beautiful, even when they're gone. Elva pointed out that this would make a nice quote. I will paint a picture of the roses, a flower I love to draw and paint...

May God be with you.    Dale

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